Board of Directors Meetings | Juntas de la Mesa Directiva
Board Meeting Schedule: The Fallbrook Regional Health District Board of Directors meets the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm.
Transparency and open government are the cornerstones of a strong democracy. Public access to information and the decision-making process gives citizens the information and insight needed to foster civic engagement and ensure accountability. The Fallbrook Regional Health District works effectively within a framework of openness and transparency as they address the needs of their communities. The Brown Act was enacted in 1953 and guarantees the public's right to attend and participate in meetings of local legislative bodies. Follow this link to see an overview of how the act functions: you will be redirected to the City of San Diego website.
The agenda is posted 72 hours in advance of each meeting at the District’s administrative office at 138 South Brandon Road, Fallbrook. Any member of the public may request that the Board Chair place an item on the agenda that is within the jurisdiction of the Board of Directors. Requests may be made to the Board Chair via email or Board Secretary, Raquel Williams at (760) 731-9187 or via email. Requests to place items on the agenda must be received no later than 10 days prior to the scheduled meeting date.
If you wish to receive an agenda by e-mail, please register your email address and we will place you on our out-bound agenda e-list until the end of the calendar year. Renewal requests must be filed January 1st of each year. Email Raquel Williams at
All persons who wish to attend are welcome. If an attendee wishes to address the board, he or she must complete a Request to Speak card prior to the beginning of the meeting and present it to the Board Secretary/Clerk. Addressees are limited to no more than 5 minutes. Those attending via Zoom are asked to notify the Board Clerk upon admittance to the meeting that they Request to Speak.
The Americans with Disabilities Act provides that no qualified individual with a disability shall be excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of District business. If you need assistance to participate, please contact the District office 24 hours prior to the meeting at (760) 731-9187. We will assist you in making arrangements to accommodate your comfortable participation.