General Q&A
Fallbrook Regional Health District (FRHD) is a local special district, formed in 1950, as a Hospital District to build and operate Fallbrook Hospital. FRHD is an independent district which means that members of the board of directors have been elected by the districts own voters or have been appointed by the County Board of Supervisors, our board is comprised of five members. Special Districts are autonomous government entities accountable to the voters of the community that they serve. The defined boundary of FRHD is inclusive of Fallbrook, Bonsall, Rainbow and De Luz. The service area is approximately 110.5 square miles, serving approximately 57,000 residents. Special districts must follow the state laws pertaining to public meetings, bonded debt, record keeping and elections.

Fallbrook Regional Health District received $2,123,504 in revenue during the 2021-2022 fiscal year. The chart illustrates how money was apportioned to support the health and wellbeing of the community. The total operating expenses were $1,912,166.
Community Health Contracts are grants made to community nonprofits and care service providers. The distribution of these grant funds is made annually through a competitive grant process.
Copies of the Community Health Contracts, the Impact Reports, FRHD’s audited financials and operating budget are all publicly available.