FREE Health Screenings
Register HERE

Know your risk. Stop by the Community Health and Wellness Center for a free diabetes, blood pressure, and BMI screening.
The County of San Diego Live Well Bus will be attending our August & September Events
OFFERING THESE COUNTY SERVICES: CalFresh & MediCal enrollment and questions, Veterans & Military services, nutritional education & obesity prevention, COVID-19 & Monkeypox information, intergenterantional programming and information.
Wellness Workshop for October is Improve Your Mental Health at 1:30 in English adn 3:30 in Spanish.
Screenings offered the last Wednesday of the month. Report of your results will be provided. Screening conducted by Fallbrook Family Health.
No time to stop by? Take the test to find out if you are at risk-
Conozca su riesgo. Visite el Community Health & Wellness Center para una revisión gratuita de diabetes, presión arterial y IMC.
Se entregará un informe de sus resultados. El examen es realizado por la Fallbrook Family Health.
¿No tiene tiempo de visitarnos? Haga la prueba para saber si está a riesgo-