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2018-2019 Community Health Contract Recipients

Total Awarded: $910,415.97

20 Contracts, 16 recipients


Boys and Girls Club of North County, Summer Water Safety Program- $9,240.00. Aims to inspire and enable youth members, from ages 5 to 18, on how to be safe around water and realize their full potential as productive, caring and responsible citizens.

Boys and Girls Club of North County, Triple Play-$36,750.00. Allows youths ages 5 to 14 to learn skills such as living a full productive life in good health, engaging in positive social behaviors, to forming good habits and setting goals throughout their lives.

Community Health Systems, Inc., Integrated Women’s Health-$105,000.00. Provides health screenings, comprehensive perinatal health, and integrated primary care services along with oral health and behavioral health services to underserved women ages 18-64 in a dignified setting. 

Fallbrook Citizens Crime Prevention Committee, GANAS Mentoring Program-$10,500.00. Provides a comprehensive approach to crime awareness, prevention, and reduction. It provides health education and career development information, promotes daily physical activity, and helps mentees develop an interest in taking responsibility for one’s community. This program targets youth ages 9 to 17 that live in high crime and economically challenged neighborhoods.

Fallbrook Food Pantry, Preventing Hunger in the Greater Fallbrook Area-$125,600.00. Provides an adequate and nutritious supply of food to any individuals in the community who are in need.

Foundation for Senior Care, Senior Care Advocacy Program-$62,830.16. Provides programs and resources enabling seniors to enhance their well-being and safely age at home.

Foundation for Senior Care, Senior Transportation Services-$72,169.65.  Helps their riders stay active, independent, and in control of their lives.  Having readily accessible, inexpensive reliable transportation allows their clients to determine when to make their medical appointments and other basic needs at minimal costs and no delays.

Foundation for Senior Care, Door-Through-Door, Hospital to Home-$53,464.64. Provides seniors and disabled adults ranging from ages 27 to 105, a bridge of care when they experience a hospitalization or stay at a skilled nursing facility and then discharged home to recover. 

Foundation for Senior Care, Respite Support at the Adult Day Care-$31,062.57. The Fallbrook Day Care Center, “the Club”,  provides resources for seniors and the disabled, ages ranging from 27 to 105, to have an enriched life, provides socialization, and allows for respite support for those caregivers who work so hard caring for their family members.

Fallbrook Land Conservancy, Expanding Community Wellness Walking Resource-$10,000.00. This program allows the Land Conservancy to preserve and enhance the rural character and natural beauty of our area through the permanent protection of open space and related activities, for all ages.

Fallbrook Senior Center Service Club, Inc., Home Delivered Meals Program-$78,750.00. This program brings awareness of the importance of a healthy diet and delivers food to seniors in our District.

Fallbrook Smiles Project, Fallbrook Smiles Project-$75,075.00. The Fallbrook Smiles Program was created to improve the communities of Fallbrook, Rainbow, and Bonsall by helping the residents of all ages and genders achieve optimal physical health through dental and medical screenings.

 Fallbrook Union High School District, Fallbrook High School Wellness Center-$20,000.00 . The goal of this project is to link student health and learning, and desires to provide a comprehensive program promoting healthy eating and physical activity for district students.

 Healthy Adventures, Fallbrook Community Wellness-$9,450.00 .Provides family-friendly wellness workshops on exercise, gardening, cooking and living a healthy lifestyle. It will expand and provide CPR/First-Aid classes and health screenings with follow-up coaching.

 Jeremiah’s Ranch, Jeremiah’s Ranch Support Group-$15,487.50 .This program provides an opportunity to share information, support, and resources to family members, care providers, and extended family members of individuals with developmental disabilities, in a monthly meeting.

 Mental Health Systems, Fallbrook Youth Advocacy Coalition-$9,711.45. This program improves the lives of individuals, families, and communities impacted by substance abuse and behavioral health disorders and serves the youth mostly 12-25 years of age.

Michelle’s Place Breast Cancer Resource Center, Breast Health Assistance-$25,200.00. This program provides breast health resources, education, navigation, financial assistance, transportation, and support to underinsured and underserved women and their families dealing with breast cancer.

 Palomar Family Counseling Service, Inc., Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds-$82,950.00. This program will address health disparities of childhood obesity and behavioral health through prevention and treatment: parent workshops, presentations on healthy lifestyles, individual counseling, and counseling services and parenting classes at the Wellness Center.

 REINS Therapeutic Horsemanship Program, Behavioral Health & Wellness Therapy Program-$68,250.00 . Provides advanced physical, mental, and emotional therapy by specialized, highly educated therapists. The students usually ride almost 3 miles on the Equine Therapists.

UCSD EyeMobile for Children, EyeMobile for Children @ UC San Diego/Shiley Eye Institute-$8,925.00Provides vision care services for low-income children who otherwise would not have been able to receive this much-needed health care.

2018-2019 Program Descriptions.pdf