FFSC- Genealogy and the Internet Part 1-2

Foundation for Senior Care Computer Learning Center: Genealogy & the Internet Part 1- 2 session
This 4-week course is an introduction to Genealogy web sites with emphasis on Ancestry.com, a popular website to help you discover and record your Family’s Story. You will learn how to discover and organize your family history, find existing research on your ancestors, explore the world of genealogy on the Internet and input the information into genealogy computer programs, such as the popular Family Tree Maker The small class size provides personal assistance and guidance using the Ancestry.com subscription This course is offered in two Parts:
- Part 1: May 4th & May 11. These two sessions will be an introduction to Ancestry.com & search of the on-line genealogy sites. It will concentrate on building & storing your Family Tree on-line. We will be working with Ancestry.com and you will need to get a subscription after class starts. (Ancestry gives you a two-week free trial).
- What is needed: PC /Mac Laptop, Desktop. or a Tablet /Smart Phone to search on-line and build your Family tree.
Instructor: Bob Cebulski
9:30 am– 11:30 am
To register click HERE
For more information please contact the Foundation for Senior Care 760.723.7570 or foundationforseniorcare.org